WORKSHOP Yoga Rituals
with Kirsty McCullar

September 21 (Saturday)
at 18:00

Class length
120 minutes

“Autumn Equinox”

A beautiful two-hour yoga workshop to celebrate the energies of the Autumn Equinox or Mabon. Yoga Rituals combines yoga, ritual and spiritual practice to add a little sparkle of magick into life. I love this time of year. The beginning of the slowing down, the reflection, and releasing of what no longer serves you. Not to mention fluffy socks and cosy jumpers!

Beginning in meditation, I will guide you to reflect on your year so far. Followed by some gentle heart opening yoga movement, to raise the energies of abundance and gratitude. Then a little ritual to express gratitude for everything you have experienced this year and to release anything you do not need to bring with you into the last quarter of 2024. Finally, a cacao ceremony and journey to begin to turn inwards and reflect on what it is time to release to make way for the new.
This yoga workshop is inclusive to every ability, with modifications and hands on assistance to keep you safe.

Please bring with you a journal and feel free to bring anything that you need to connect with the energy of this practice, crystals, flowers, clothing, jewellery, blankets, pillows, even your own special pen.

Please book directly with workshop facilitator 


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