Urban Zen Yoga and Movement

Adjustment Workshop
with Ming Zhao

March 26 (Sunday)
at 12:00

Class length
120 minutes

Hands-on adjustments and assists can be very powerful tools for yoga teachers. A good adjustment can help a student safely access a deeper posture, set good alignment and explore energetic movement and purpose. This course will give you the fundamentals of applying adjustments in a safe way following the biomechanics of the body and breath. The course is designed to give you the tools and confidence to offer your students some hands-on help in a safe and purposeful way. While learning skills that can be applied to your own yoga asana practice.

As a yoga practitioner may also learn about the methods of practice and the effects of yoga postures.

This course is designed as a sequence of flow yoga.

Asanas covered:

  • Balasana – Child’s pose
  • Tadasana – Mountain pose
  • Uttanasana – Forward Fold pose
  • Urdhva Mukha Svanasana – Upward Facing Dog pose
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Facing Dog pose
  • Virabhadrasana 1 and 2 – Warriors 1 and 2
  • Ardha Chandrasana – Half Moon pose
  • Utthita and Parivritta Parsvakonasana – Extended and Revolved Side Angle pose
  • Anjanevasana – New Moon pose
  • Ardha Hanumanasana – Half Splits pose
  • Savasana – Corpse pose

We can also take requests, so if there’s any asanas that you regularly teach, let us know, and we can look at adding these to the list.

Come join us!


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